Take credit card payments from your Digicliniq calendar or Booking Page via Square (our preferred provider) or Stripe. Start now!
Need a way to take payments from your customers and support your business? Integrate Square or Stripe with your Digicliniq account to process transactions through your appointment calendar or your public Booking Page. Digicliniq will tie your transaction info to appointment histories, making it easy to see which of your customers is paid up, or you can generate spreadsheets for recordkeeping and accounting purposes.
Payment integrations in Digicliniq work with our downloadable app for iOS or Android! This means you can take payments online or in person and manage your transactions from your phone. The mobile app syncs all appointments and payment data with your primary account on the browser-based Digicliniq platform, so you can switch between laptop and phone seamlessly.
Require a payment upfront at the time of booking. You can require that customers pay for all or just a percentage of their service in order to secure their appointment. Not only will this get a firm commitment from your customers and help reduce no-shows, but it also lets you focus on delivering a high-quality experience during the appointment.
Transaction information is tied to each appointment, so if you need to verify that a payment was made, simply open the appointment details from your calendar page. Here you can also add additional fees or taxes, or apply discounts and refunds as needed. Want an entire recount for the past month or quarter? Digicliniq lets you export and download a spreadsheet of all past transactions in an adjustable timeframe.